Thursday, December 16, 2010

Operation: Holiday Cheer!

We've finally got a 'splinter group' - some students at Parkside decided to play it forward yesterday!! And here's the project that they put together:

Operation: Holiday Cheer
Hello all! Perhaps at Parkside on Wednesday the 15th you saw a Holiday card here or there, lying around with a post-it note on it, perhaps not. If you did however I hope it made you smile for just a second amidst this crazy week of finals. The story behind it all started with writing cards for the people who I know personally. With cards left over I figured something needed to be done, so I got the attention of two cheerful girls in my apartment, Brenna and Bethanne, and together we set out on a mission to fill the cards with messages to inspire, to make people smile, to reduce stress, to make people think about the magic behind the holiday season that we don’t get enough of now that we’re in college working extremely hard to get a degree and hopefully a career. We picked one quote to be found in every single card, “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year” in hopes that it might inspire someone to think differently about their day to day life. We then filled the cards with random messages ranging from a mere “Smile, Happy Holidays” to longer messages wishing good luck on finals and such. Then the next day we all took the cards we created and left them in places, handed them to people studying as we passed them in the hallway, or snuck into empty offices and left them on desks. 

-Hayley C.

Below are some pictures they took to document their project.  Thanks for playing, guys!:

And with that, we'd like to wish EVERYONE a happy, restful, joyful, and fulfilling holiday season.  Get out there and make some art, spread joy, and be at peace.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cut n' Paste Poetry - the first batch

After being set off course by the snow this weekend, I've finally gotten the first set of cut n' paste poetry creations posted!  I'll be at it again this week, Tuesday - Friday, collecting more work to post and display.

I'm really excited about this first batch.  Some of it is poetry, some of it's more like a running narrative, and some of it can be read in a variety of ways!  I'm pretty sure that everyone involved in making these had as much fun as I did, and I hope some of them will return this week when I'm at it again.  Look out for these projects in the halls at school, and, if you're interested in making your own poetry from recycled magazines, please do - and send me pictures so that I can post them here!  - Chad: 


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cut n' Paste Poetry!

I did some great reconnecting with my 2nd grade self today, 
as did a handful of others:

Today was all about cut n' paste poetry!  

And it really ended up being a blast.  Essentially, I wanted to end the semester with a nice, collaborative art project that would give passersby equal opportunities to observe or participate in my work. I set up shop in Upper Main Place, right off of the library entrance.  I arrived, paper bag in tow, stood for a moment to see how many people might notice me standing solo in this precarious spot, and then began tossing newspapers, magazines, advertisements, glue sticks, and scissors on the ground.  Once satisfied with my surroundings, I sat down, put up a friendly sign about my project (as seen behind me in this photo), and began silently working on my own cut n' paste poetry.

I didn't really expect too much attention for this project, but, I was definitely proven wrong!  Immediately I had teachers and students stopping by to ask about the project - what was I doing?  What was it for?  Could they join me?

Of course!  And they did. And I loved every second of it.

I met some great people, had lovely conversations, and ultimately enjoyed a wonderful afternoon making art with friends and strangers.  I was so appreciative of the positive response, and was happy to have made an impact on the days of a handful of Parkside folks.  

One professor told me that my project was "very sixties.  Like a happening." <- Exactly!  And I was glad to hear it.  Another asked if she could pass the project on to her daughter.  Of course!  And I hope that they both end up reading this post and have a chance to create their own impromptu project as well.  

I collected 8 cut n' paste poetry works today; I will be posting them at school tomorrow (in janitor-free zones, so they don't disappear) and taking photos.  I hope those who participated will find their artwork here.

AND, because the project was so successful, and because so many people seemed interested in taking part, I'm going to continue cutting and pasting all through next week, hopefully during the noon hours so that more people will be free to join and create.

It was a blast.  Art was bringing people together, releasing frustration, and giving peace of mind. More to come.

Pass it on.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Clowning for Peace

Ciao Amici! (Hello friends)

In the hallways at school today, you may find yourself face to face with a rather peculiar looking creature. No worries - this is just Pazza. I know, I know, she looks rather scary when you first see her, but in all reality she is completely harmless. In fact, all she really wants to do is spread peace and give you a break from studying. 

You won't be able to understand a word she says, as she will be speaking in Grammelot (Gibberish, really). Feel free to play along, if you so choose. Pazza is going to be accepting of you should be accepting of her.  :)

Pazza will be handing out little slips of paper that say "Peace in Your Heart". They also have a link to this blog. (Some of you may be reading this because you've received Pazza's note!) Really, all this means is that you should follow the directions; breathe a little deeper, pump your heart with a little peace, and if you feel so inspired, pass it on by showing the note to your friend so that they, too, breathe deeper and stress less.

Want to play? Find Pazza and clown around!


I had a nice coffee date with Pazza after her "peace mission". She wanted me to say "Thank You!" to everyone who played along and took time away from studying to have fun and hang out with her. Honorable mentions to: the people with the djembe, the people at the student help desk, the little girl she played tag with in the hallway, the man who fed her chips in the food court, the man with the snowboard, the woman she danced with in student services (the same woman who told her she looked like Dobby the House Elf ...quite the compliment!!), the art raffle students, the girl and guy studying for sociology and criminal justice exams, and the man who let her dance in his cowboy hat. She had a wonderful time and hopes you did too!

Here are some pictures of Pazza's antics taken by the lovely Chad Bay:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Book of Face

So, unfortunately the janitors caught on quickly to Polka Dots appearing on walls that we don't own/have the right to. Boo Janitors. *shakes fist at you* However, there is one method of marketing/communication/networking in today's society that is particularly reliable and guess what? EVERYBODY HAS THEIR OWN WALL, so nothing can get taken down! HOORAY FOR:


People "check their facebook" even more often than they check their email. This includes you, business executives. (Come on - you have a whole cubicle to yourself and you expect me to believe that you don't have a facebook tab up along with your email and multiple excel spreadsheets?? Puh-lease)

In an effort to reach out to the masses, we are currently "playing" through our facebook statuses. Throughout the week, we will be posting provocative questions that we want your answers to. (Get your mind outta the gutter folks). Provocative meaning - "What Inspires You? What is your favorite video? What piece of art has provided you with the most inspiration?"(just to cite a few)

So...we want your answers! The best thing about this is you can post by commenting right under our statuses, and by doing that you are playing it forward. Doesn't get much easier than that!

So - if you are friends with Sarah, Karl, Chad, or I on Facebook, check out our statuses and reply! And if you don't know who the hell we are, then I challenge you, oh mystery reader, to use your Facebook status for this cause and then send us an email ( with the results! We'll be posting our results on this blog shortly, and we'd be happy to post yours too!

Thanks for Playing!


Here are the results! Thank you to everyone who played along. 

Chad asked: What inspires YOU? 
  • Tiffany: My friends. Not only do they love and respect me but they support and challenge me to be my best. They inspire me to do better, be better, and love my life.
  • Diane:
    ‎(1) The incredible, uplifting and life-affirming poetry I am periodically emailed from Panhala. (see archives here:; subscription info is on bottom of page)
    (2) The spiritual inspiration I from the eloquent writings and breathtaking photography found on Abbey of the Arts. (

  • Kelly: kindred spirits, animals in their natty habitats, the ocean, obsessions, art, true love ~ ~ ~ thee list is vast and i am thankful for that.
  • Moe: Filth, Trash, Teeth, Dreams, Nightmares.
  • Allison: Ambiguity. Wasted landscapes. Unconventional beauty. Totality. Things unsaid.
  •  Amanda: Good art, great friends, delicious food, strangers whose smiles intrigue me, odd chaps, empty journals and music.
    AND BABIES!!!!!
    Kidding about the babies. The rest is legit.
  •  Madeline: Rives.
  • Hayley: friendship. love. pain. when the sun is shining. silence. rain clouds. blank pages. a computer keyboard. natural, organic, yoga.
  • Dylan:  onions.
  • Karen: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nikki:  Clovers

  • Amy: mac n' cheese.

  • Julie: well first I was going to say you... but someone already stole that... and then tiffany's answer... but I guess... an actors/designers mind... As you know I am neither of these things and it amazes me how magical both of those people can be... how they can basically come up with something out of nothing... wish i had that talent...

  • Alyssa: Knowledge and learning. There is something so miraculous and empowering to learn new things and see the world in a slightly different way.

Sarah said: Okay everyone, post the link to a favorite video, song, anything, that puts a smile to your face. Here's one I came across relating to the arts!! Keep this going!! :)  

  • Sara:
Sarah asked: "If you could invent an ice cream flavor what would it be called  
  • Alexia: Bacon 
  •  Abby: Fruity eggnog or somethingTracy: Ritz cracker and applesauce
  •  Alecia: It would be called "go to bed" ice cream and it would be soooo gosh darn good.
  •  Rafael: chocolate and pepperoni
  •  Kristi: "Bare naked" - it would be an old fashioned vanilla type.
  •  Allison: It would be orange, and it would be called pulp fiction.
Sarah asked: "What is one of your bad habits? Mine is nail biting"
  • Eddie: Mine is too. That and party habits
  • Tom: Nail clipping, actually. Believe it or not.
  • Parker: Oreos
  • Phil: Sometimes I don't do my Spanish homework.
  • Aaron: Meth
  • Amy: Aaron's Meth.
  • Tara: messing with my hair. 

Sarah asked: "What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Do tell!"
  • Cody: You :)
  • Tara: Nails on a chalkboard...the word shall...people who sniffle. Get a freaking kleenex!
  • Nikki: People calling me hun or sweetheart or darling when I don't know them or barely know them.
  • Tina: People who don't clean up after themselves, talk with their mouths full (so that the half chewed food is visible), and ppl who take food off of ppl's plates w/o asking. I guess I have a few pet peeves, lol!
  • Brittany: People scratching on material..ahh! It makes me cringe!
  • Cathlyn: My top pet peeve: having my time wasted. But I also agree with Nikki - those names are in my top few.
  • Alyssa: I hate when people cut me off in the hallway. The halls are wide people. And I hate those roller backpacks on the brick floors. It makes me so cranky.
  • Phil: When perfectly able people take the elevator to go up one level.
  • Allison: Usually it's when people ask me what my biggest pet peeve is.... but, I like you, Sarah, so I won't complain. 

 Eva asked: If you could choose one song, book, film, photograph, painting, sculpture, play, dance, etc. (piece of art) that has impacted you the most in your life or provided the most inspiration, what would it be?
  • Affricanus: The sun
  • Mallory: Greek goddesses...ahhahaha
  • Marissa: Starry Night
  • Courtney: The Sparrow - theatre.
  • Chad: The Gift - Lewis Hyde
  • Marty:
  • Allison: "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. I read it for the first time when I was 14, and I just re-read it a month ago, and the significance it has held in my life, whether outwardly manifested or hidden deep within, is vastly unparalleled.
  • Parker: Into the Wild.
  • Christopher: Blood on the Tracks - Bob Dylan
  • Robert: Francis Bacon's Tryptics
 Karl asked: What is the most inspiring thing you have ever read, heard, seen or otherwise experienced?"
  • Jordan: "I think sometimes we need to be reminded that we owe it to ourselves to not settle for the familiar and what's comfortable. Pursue the deepest desires of your heart. You deserve it."
  • Sarah: a poem by ee cummings. let it go-the.
  • Kelli: I'm sure ill change my mind as soon as i post this, but one is definitely, Before I Fall, a book.
  • Joseph: Beerfest
  • Hayley: There's like a million things I want to say to this, but the first thing I think of is "Eat, Pray, Love"
  • Mary: Karl :) I'd have to say Eat, Pray, Love, as well! Inspiring, to say the absolute least...
  • Phil: When I was fifteen years old I can attest that I saw a UFO. No lie.
  • Dan: Never, ever give up. -Michael Scott. The Office.
  • Tyler: "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • Kristi: "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Kristina: Hey, Karl,That's a big order to fill! Makes me dig deep, though, and get "all serious" about answering. I'll summarize and not get too detailed on the specific events, though. (That's me in a nutshell, I guess: detailed ambiguity. Most inspiring to me thus far: I've witnessed people speaking the truth in love to each other: actual love and respect and caring for fellow fallible human beings, while not abandoning each other to their own destructive devices but seeking lasting deliverance and joy for one another. At least once a day, the wonder and freedom of those experiences hit me again and spur me on, with the hope that it's always possible and available to rise above the dreadful tendency humanity has to drift toward chaos, to seek to truly come to care for and love people and not attempt to manipulate and control others when I feel inferior to their talents, accomplishments, honesty and happiness.
  • Alyssa: Being in complete seclusion...where I am alone with my thoughts and my music.